Random programming things I'd want to remember

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Joining multiple tables in MS Access

The syntax is tricky and I do it every once in a while and look it up every time (because the SQL errors in MS Access are far from being user-friendly). This site here has the general idea. But the details are below:

SELECT a.AField, b.BField, c.CField
FROM TableA AS a INNER JOIN (TableB AS b INNER JOIN TableC AS c ON b.BKey = c.BForeignKey)
ON a.AKey = b.BForeignKey

And, by the way:

TableB AS b INNER JOIN TableC AS c ON b.BKey = c.BForeignKey AND b.BField2 = 'someValue' AND c.CField2 = 'someValue'

join condition is not supported in Access, you have to put the join by some value in the table condition into the WHERE clause:

TableB AS b INNER JOIN TableC AS c ON b.BKey = c.BForeignKey 
WHERE b.BField2 = 'someValue' AND c.CField2 = 'someValue'

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